Jahongir Ergashev was cautioned with a second yellow card and sent off!
Faridun Sharipov replaces Nuriddin Davronov
Eraj Rajabov replaces Iskandar Jalilov
Serdaraly Ataýew replaces Begli Meredow
Muhsinjon Abdughafforov replaces Parvizjon Umarboev
Jahongir Aliev replaces Nozim Bobojonov
Bahtior Choriev replaces Manuchehr Jalilov
Guwanç Abylow replaces Elman Tagaýew
Wahyt Orazsähedow replaces Süleýman Muhadow
Hasan Muhammadjon Rahimov replaces Fathullo Fathulloev
Manuchehr Jalilov scored a goal (assist by Fathullo Fathulloev)!
Batyr Geldiýew replaces Mämed Orazmuhamedow
Manuchehr Jalilov scored a goal!
Manuchehr Jalilov scored a goal (assist by Parvizjon Umarboev)!
Jahongir Ergashev was cautioned with a yellow card.