China vs. Australia

Status: Unvollständig

End of Second Half
70. min 3:2 China Shusheng Zuo scored a goal!
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of First Half
42. min 2:2 China Qiang Lin scored a goal!
3. min 1:2 China Dayu Zhao scored a goal!
Begin erste Hälfte
End of Unknown Half
0. min 0:2 Australia Frank Farina replaces Marshall Soper
0. min 0:2 Australia Peter Raskopoulos replaces David Ratcliffe
0. min 0:2 Australia Ian Gray replaces Wally Savor
0. min 0:2 Australia John Kosmina scored a goal!
0. min 0:2 Australia John Kosmina scored a goal!
Begin erste Hälfte

China Chinese Football Association

Australia Football Federation Australia