North Korea vs. Lebanon

Status: Unvollständig

End of Second Half
73. min 0:1 Lebanon %player% scored a penalty!
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of Unknown Half
0. min 0:0 Lebanon Akram Moghrabi replaces Mohamad Ghaddar
0. min 0:0 Lebanon Zakaria Charara replaces Amer Khan
0. min 0:0 Lebanon Nasrat Al-Jamal replaces Ali Hamam
Begin erste Hälfte

North Korea DPR Korea Football Association

Lebanon Fédération Libanaise de Football-Association

Surakul Stadium

  • Opened: 1959
  • Capacity: 15000
  • Capacity intl.: 15000
  • Owner: -
  • City: Phuket
  • Country: Thailand