Austria vs. Moldova

Final result: 2:0

End of Second Half
81. min 2:0 Austria Michael Wagner replaces Ivica Vastić
68. min 2:0 Austria Roland Linz replaces Roman Wallner
67. min 2:0 Moldova Vadim Boreţ replaces Iurie Priganiuc
63. min 2:0 Moldova Alexandru Covalenco was cautioned with a yellow card.
58. min 2:0 Austria Gerd Wimmer replaces Markus Schopp
46. min 2:0 Moldova Valeriu Catînsus replaces Victor Berco
46. min 2:0 Moldova Boris Cebotari replaces Eugen Boicenco
Begin of Second Half
End of First Half
30. min 2:0 Austria Andreas Herzog scored a penalty!
4. min 1:0 Austria Andreas Herzog scored a penalty!
3. min 0:0 Moldova Ghenadie Olexici was cautioned with a yellow card.
Begin of First Half

Austria Österreichischer Fussball-Bund

Moldova Federaţia Moldovenească de Fotbal


  • Opened: 1931
  • Capacity: -
  • Capacity intl.: 53008
  • Owner: -
  • City: Wien
  • Country: Austria