Seychelles vs. Mozambique

Status: Unvollständig

End of Second Half
63. min 1:2 Seychelles Alex Nibourette scored a goal!
62. min 0:2 Mozambique Mário Sinamunda scored a goal!
52. min 0:1 Mozambique Reginaldo Faife scored a goal (assist by Dito Bernardo)!
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of Unknown Half
0. min 0:0 Mozambique Lanito replaces Chico Muchanga
0. min 0:0 Mozambique Imo Pilale replaces Manuelito Uetimane
0. min 0:0 Seychelles Achille Henriette is substituted.
Begin erste Hälfte

Seychelles Seychelles Football Federation

Mozambique Federação Moçambicana de Futebol

Stade de Linité

  • Opened: 1992
  • Capacity: 10000
  • Capacity intl.: 10000
  • Owner: -
  • City: Roche Caïman
  • Country: Seychelles