Belgium vs. Scotland

Endergebnis: 4:1

End of Second Half
89. min 4:1 Belgium Guy Vandersmissen replaces Franky Van der Elst
85. min 4:1 Belgium Nico Claesen scored a goal!
80. min 3:1 Scotland Pat Nevin replaces Jim Bett
75. min 3:1 Belgium Franky Vercauteren scored a goal!
74. min 2:1 Belgium Léo Van der Elst replaces Enzo Scifo
55. min 2:1 Belgium Nico Claesen scored a goal!
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of First Half
14. min 1:1 Scotland Paul McStay scored a goal!
9. min 1:0 Belgium Nico Claesen scored a goal!
Begin erste Hälfte

Belgium Union Royale Belge des Sociétés de Football Association | Koninklijke Belgiese Voetbal Bond

Scotland The Scottish Football Association

Lotto Park

  • Opened: 1917
  • Capacity: 22500
  • Capacity intl.: 22500
  • Owner: -
  • City: Brussel
  • Country: Belgium