Jersey vs. Aland Islands

Status: Fehlend

End of Second Half
0. min 2:0 Jersey %player% scored a penalty!
0. min 2:0 Jersey %player% scored a penalty!
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of Unknown Half
0. min 0:0 Aland Islands Jens Polviander was cautioned with a red card and sent off!
0. min 0:0 Aland Islands Sebastián Núñez was cautioned with a yellow card.
0. min 0:0 Aland Islands Conny Åberg was cautioned with a yellow card.
0. min 0:0 Jersey Lee De Ste Croix was cautioned with a second yellow card and sent off!
0. min 0:0 Jersey Lee De Ste Croix was cautioned with a yellow card.
0. min 0:0 Jersey Pat O'Toole was cautioned with a yellow card.
0. min 0:0 Jersey Craig Ferey was cautioned with a yellow card.
Begin erste Hälfte

Jersey Jersey Football Association

  • Gegründet:1905
  • Fifabeitritt 0
  • Verband: Non-FIFA

Aland Islands Ålands Fotbollförbund

  • Gegründet:1943
  • Fifabeitritt 0
  • Verband: Non-FIFA


  • Opened: -
  • Capacity: -
  • Capacity intl.: -
  • Owner: -
  • City: Visby
  • Country: Gotland