Cuba vs. Saint Kitts & Nevis

Status: Unvollständig

End of Second Half
87. min 2:0 Cuba Ariel Álvarez scored a goal!
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of First Half
36. min 1:0 Cuba Ariel Álvarez scored a goal!
Begin erste Hälfte
End of Unknown Half
0. min 0:0 Cuba Luis Martén replaces Raciel Martínez
Begin erste Hälfte

Cuba Asociación de Fútbol de Cuba

Saint Kitts & Nevis Saint Kitts & Nevis Football Association

Dr. João Havelange Centre of Excellence

  • Opened: 1998
  • Capacity: -
  • Capacity intl.: -
  • Owner: -
  • City: Port of Spain
  • Country: Trinidad & Tobago