Chile vs. USA

Endergebnis: 5:2

End of Second Half
82. min 5:2 Chile Fernando Riera scored a goal!
60. min 4:2 Chile Atilio Cremaschi scored a goal!
54. min 3:2 Chile Andrés Prieto scored a goal!
48. min 2:2 USA %player% scored a penalty!
47. min 2:1 USA Frank Wallace scored a goal!
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of First Half
32. min 2:0 Chile Atilio Cremaschi scored a goal!
16. min 1:0 Chile George Robledo scored a goal!
Begin erste Hälfte

Chile Federación de Fútbol de Chile

USA United States Soccer Federation

Estádio Ilha do Retiro

  • Opened: 1937
  • Capacity: 35020
  • Capacity intl.: 35020
  • Owner: -
  • City: Recife
  • Country: Brazil