Isle of Wight vs. Saaremaa

Endergebnis: 5:1

End of Second Half
90. min 5:1 Isle of Wight David Greening scored a goal!
78. min 4:1 Saaremaa Kalle Lepp replaces Kristjan Leedo
78. min 4:1 Isle of Wight Matthew Evans replaces Michael McEnery
72. min 4:1 Saaremaa Artur Rihvk replaces Sander Laht
70. min 4:1 Isle of Wight Myles Taylor replaces Alek Przespolewski
70. min 4:1 Isle of Wight Darren Powell replaces Chris Elliott
67. min 4:1 Isle of Wight Tom Scovell was cautioned with a yellow card.
65. min 4:1 Isle of Wight David Greening scored a goal!
60. min 3:1 Isle of Wight Michael McEnery was cautioned with a yellow card.
59. min 3:1 Saaremaa Jaanis Kriska was cautioned with a yellow card.
58. min 3:1 Isle of Wight Aiden Bryan was cautioned with a yellow card.
49. min 3:1 Saaremaa %player% scored a penalty!
46. min 3:0 Saaremaa Mario Pruul replaces Martti Pukk
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of First Half
45. min 3:0 Isle of Wight %player% scored a penalty!
44. min 2:0 Saaremaa Roland Kütt was cautioned with a yellow card.
41. min 2:0 Isle of Wight Alek Przespolewski scored a goal!
33. min 1:0 Isle of Wight Craig Insley was cautioned with a yellow card.
22. min 1:0 Saaremaa %player% scored an own goal!
Begin erste Hälfte

Isle of Wight Isle of Wight Football Association

  • Gegründet:0
  • Fifabeitritt 0
  • Verband: Non-FIFA

Saaremaa unkown

  • Gegründet:0
  • Fifabeitritt 0
  • Verband: Non-FIFA


  • Opened: -
  • Capacity: -
  • Capacity intl.: -
  • Owner: -
  • City: Hammarland
  • Country: Aland Islands