Jersey vs. Rhodes

Endergebnis: 1:0

End of Second Half
80. min 1:0 Rhodes Dimítrios Karagiánnis was cautioned with a yellow card.
69. min 1:0 Rhodes Aléxandros Tzaféris was cautioned with a yellow card.
66. min 1:0 Rhodes Leftéris Mavromoustákos replaces Níkos Frantzís
66. min 1:0 Jersey David Le Roux replaces Jean-Paul Martyn
57. min 1:0 Jersey Ben Gallichan replaces Mark Lucas
56. min 1:0 Rhodes Kóstas Kaliméris replaces Theocháris Móchis
51. min 1:0 Rhodes Charalabos Dagaev was cautioned with a yellow card.
46. min 1:0 Rhodes Charalabos Dagaev replaces Apóstolos Axiótis
Begin zweite Hälfte
End of First Half
45. min 1:0 Jersey Jean-Paul Martyn was cautioned with a yellow card.
40. min 1:0 Jersey Ross Crick scored a goal!
35. min 0:0 Jersey Chris Andrews replaces David Watson
29. min 0:0 Jersey Russell Le Feuvre was cautioned with a yellow card.
25. min 0:0 Jersey David Watson was cautioned with a yellow card.
Begin erste Hälfte

Jersey Jersey Football Association

  • Gegründet:1905
  • Fifabeitritt 0
  • Verband: Non-FIFA

Rhodes unkown

  • Gegründet:0
  • Fifabeitritt 0
  • Verband: Non-FIFA


  • Opened: -
  • Capacity: -
  • Capacity intl.: -
  • Owner: -
  • City: Saltvik
  • Country: Aland Islands