Neuigkeitendie neusten Informationen über hinzugefügte Spiele und Statistiken.

Hier kannst du Statistiken über alle Nationalmannschaften der Welt finden und die Turniere in denen sie spielen. Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Durchlicken durch das Archiv, bei Unterhaltungen mit anderen Fußballfans im Forum. Wenn du dabei Fehler entdeckst, kannst du uns diese gerne mitteilen.

Back from holiday26.03.2007

Added first Montenegro squad. Welcome to the football family, Montenegro, what a great start with the victory against hungary!

Hello everybody!03.03.2007

I am on holiday in beautiful Mexico for the next three weeks. So no updates until then from me, but probably lots of stuff from the other guys. And now for something which I wanted to do for a long time - saying thank you to a few people. First of all the database-crew, namely Antoine, Alessandro, Archivist (Sorry, I really don't know your real name, which is a little embarassing) and Hagay. You guys are unbelievable, it just is amazing how fast players keep being added. Then, of course, Florian, who does the programming (and who has been working on the new admin section like hell), and Britta, who does the design. Without them this site would still be an excel file on my desktop. A big thank you has to go to Phil, who still is responsible for most of the really hard-to-get information you can find on the site. Also to Alban and Miguel and Yuri, who keep sending in mails with changes or additions every week. The biggest contributor, though, has undoubtedly been Junichi. Hundreds and hundreds of mails, and every single one very useful. He keeps the site more up-to-date than anyone else, including me. Junichi, thanks a lot, I really mean it. Also, I desperately need a functioning e-mail adress from you, as my mails are not coming through to you when I hit the answer button. ;) And a big thank you to the (literally) hundreds of people who send in info from time to time, including a lot of players from even the remotest places of this earth. This site really has changed my life, and it's all because of you - so thanks, everybody. I really felt that I had to say this. Now back to the fascinating world of extremely nerdy football statistics, see you in three weeks. Benjamin

Updated 2006/07 Season29.01.2007


Updated 2006 Season22.12.2006


Updated 2006 Season16.12.2006


Updated 2006 Season05.12.2006


Updated 2006 Season04.12.2006


Updated 2006 Season27.11.2006


Updated 2006 Season21.11.2006

Chile Ecuador

Updated 2006 Season20.11.2006
