Neuigkeitendie neusten Informationen über hinzugefügte Spiele und Statistiken.

Hier kannst du Statistiken über alle Nationalmannschaften der Welt finden und die Turniere in denen sie spielen. Wir wünschen viel Spaß beim Durchlicken durch das Archiv, bei Unterhaltungen mit anderen Fußballfans im Forum. Wenn du dabei Fehler entdeckst, kannst du uns diese gerne mitteilen.

Added 2010 match data17.07.2014




Added 2010 match data16.07.2014







Added 2010 match data15.07.2014



Added historical tables14.07.2014

Tunisia (First league, back to 1955)

Added Match Data14.07.2014

Brazil - Netherlands (12.07)

Germany - Argentina (13.07)

Added 2010 match data13.07.2014


Updated 2013/14 season13.07.2014

Hong Kong (First Division)

Updated 2013/14 season12.07.2014

Egypt (Premier League)

Updated 2013/14 season11.07.2014

Austria (Regionalliga)

Portugal (Campeonato Nacional)

Russia (Vtoroi Divizion)

10 years of!11.07.2014

Hi everybody, with the World Cup upon us and so much work to do, I completely forgot that this site has been online for 10 years since the 12th of June, and we are allowed to celebrate a little.

It has been 10 years of really hard work, but it has also been a very rewarding time. Never would I have imagined that the excel sheet on my computer, which was the beginning of NFT, would turn out to be what you can see now, probably the biggest archive on national football team players there is on the net.

This is going to be a long posting, as I am going to take the opportunity to say thanks to loads of people who have helped to make this page what it is now.

First of all, I must thank Florian, who has been our programmer from the beginning, and who has done a brilliant job all these years. Then of course my beloved girlfriend Britta, who still does all the design stuff. If they hadn't been around 10 years ago, none of this would have happened.

Then I really have to thank all my co-workers on the site, who all apend much of their precious time updating stuff on the site, and they do it all for free. This is the defeinition of amazing, from my point of view. Antoine Lagore has been helping me for years, and he also always had some words of encouragement for me when I didn't know if I can continue doing this - you see, I also earn no money with the site, I just have costs. Then archivist, who had been giving us info for years, before he joined the team, and who has just been brilliant. Hagay Cooper has been working on the site for many years, amongst many other things he has done is a complete record of all national team players from Israel, just amazing. Robert Fudge has done loads of historical stats for you to enjoy, so kudos to him. Tony Hollner has been helping the site for many years, first as a contributor, then as a co-worker, sadly we had some disagreements and he is no longer with us. Still, we will never forget how much work he put into the side. And Boca is our latest addition to the team, after helping us out with loads of hard to get stats on the forum for many years. All of you have been absolutely ace, and everyone who likes this site should feel very grateful towards you.

Webmasters and other people from other statistics sites have all been great and really helpful over the years. The guys at rsssf (Still the best football statistics resource on the net) linked over to us in our first week of existence, and that link got us so many people, that we really never had to worry about visitors ever again, it has been word of mouth and wikipedia ever since. Speaking of wikipedia, they have also been very kind to us, as have the people of the Cambridge University international matches project, soccerway, soccerassociation, caribbeanfootbaldatabase, nasljerseys and playerhistory. You all rule! Also all the other statistics site do rule - users, you live in a great time, with all these brilliant sites providing information for you.

And then there is the contributors, of whom we have so many great ones, that sadly I cannot list them all, but I have to mention at least a few of you. In the beginning, there was only me and a lot of stats, and then came Phil O'Brien and showed me what this site really could be. He had the most obscure stats to share, especially on asian football teams and players, and that was so much fun to update! When he started to send me all these mails with the strangest bits of information, I really started to believe that this site could one day be a a truly great resource for all fans of national teams football.  Then along came Alessandro del Tredici, one of the greats of international football statistics, who has been giving me regular updates for 8 or 9 years now. Thanks a lot, Alessandro, you also provided a great shoulder to cry on when things weren't working like they should. You and Antoine got me through every "statistics depression" I had over the years. Roger Baker has the most amazing excel tables on all national teams, and he has been sharing them with us for years - he probably has been the person who contributed the most to this site. Words fail me to express my gratitude, really, without him this would be pretty much an impossible project. He is also very active on our forum, which has probably become the most nerdiest place on the internet if you look for really hard to get match data. Time to mention some more forum guys: Michael Morrison, mikaelj and s2pid are the other members of our super nerd posse, I love what they are doing, since we have all these guys around updating match data has really become a lot of fun.

I get huge amounts of e-mails every week, impossible to list all the people. For many years Junichi sent me great mails with huge loads of information almost every week, and then he stopped. All my return mails never seemed to reach him, which is a shame, because I always wanted to thank him. Not gonna waste this opportunity, thanks a lot Junichi, you have been amazing. Jiayue, Dirk, Hans Schmidt and rooyintan have all been a great help, providing solid information, great photos and good company. Dirks mails are especially great, because they are also written and formulated in truely great german (Nobdy writes mails like this anymore, with great punctuation, spelling and style, really a pleasure to read them). And then there is Luc Vandenberghe, also one of the greats in international football statistics, who sends me mails with great information all the time. Thanks a lot, guys, I love what you are doing.

I must have forgotten a lot of people, please don't be angry with me. Over the years, hundreds and hundreds of people have contributed in one way or another. You made this thise what it is today, we are more than a little proud of it, and so you should be. Let's tackle the next 10 years together, and make this site as complete as possible. Thanks a lot, this has been an amzing ride.


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