India vs. Maldives

Status: Partially missing

End of Second Half
89. min 3:1 India Raman Vijayan scored a goal!
86. min 2:1 India Syed Shabir Pasha scored a goal!
Begin of Second Half
End of First Half
17. min 1:1 India Invalappil Mani Vijayan scored a goal!
9. min 0:1 Maldives Abdul Ghafour Mausoom scored a goal!
Begin of First Half
End of Unknown Half
0. min 0:0 India Raman Vijayan is substituted.
0. min 0:0 India Syed Shabir Pasha replaces Hardeep Singh
Begin of First Half

India All India Football Federation

Maldives Football Association of Maldives

Dasharath Rangashala Stadium

  • Opened: 1956
  • Capacity: -
  • Capacity intl.: 25000
  • Owner: -
  • City: Kathmandu
  • Country: Nepal